Sunset Season
By the time we find ourselves living in our sunset season, we’ve experienced most of the sorrows and joys, celebrations and disappointments life has to offer.
One minute, we’re hyper-focused on just getting through the day with the demands of raising a family and running a household, all while establishing careers and maintaining important relationships. And the next, we’re empty-nesters, in-laws, grandparents, caregivers to aging parents, and all too quickly, retirees. We’ve lost parents, friends, spouses, and sadly, children. We’ve had cancer, illnesses, and joint replacements. Our hair is grayer, our waistlines are thicker, and the wrinkles on our faces are more defined.
Yet, through it all we’re still here. Perhaps a bit beaten up and somewhat wounded, we are survivors. We’re warriors, filled with wisdom, insight, and knowledge, all born from the experiences we’ve encountered on our life’s journey.
Who can deny the magnificent kaleidoscope of radiant colors in a sunset? Clouds majestically illuminated in rich hues of pink, purple, yellow and orange, as creation dances to the music of the Creator. What a privilege it is, to live in this season of our life when there is still so much beauty to be found and shared with others.
May our hearts and minds be open to see glimpses of goodness in our ordinary, everyday life, that we might live our twilight years well, holding fast to the One who has held us all these years.