Empty Spaces

“In quietness and in trust shall be your strength” Isaiah 30:15

     Interesting. The phrase I’m hearing most often from my Sunset Sisters is, “I really have to slow down.” In our younger years, we worked hard. We reached our goals and bought all the stuff our budgets would allow. Now in our Sunset Season, our priorities are changing. We no longer want all the items we’ve collected and we’re more than ready to trade our once jammed packed schedules for a more relaxed pace to life. We’ve reached our capacity for drama and now we just want time to enjoy the life God has given us.

     For some, this comes easily. For others, it requires a little more effort. After years of saying ‘yes’ to everything and everybody, giving ourselves permission to say ‘no’ without feeling guilty is a new skill some of us are still learning.

     In a world that’s getting crazier by the day, the quietness of empty spaces is what I crave the most in my Sunset Season. As the moon’s energy gently draws the tides out and forces them back in, I simply cannot resist the powerful pull to the space in my house where my soul finds its greatest sense of peace. With open hands and an open heart, I enter into the sacredness. I hear the Holy whispers of the One who loves me. From the heights of the mountains to the depths of the valleys, my faithful Father always meets me. I linger long in the sweetness of His presence as He speaks life and light into my heart, giving me joy for today and hope for tomorrow.

     An empty bench overlooking the mighty Choctawhatchee Bay gently bids me to come and sit a spell. Again, I cannot resist the invitation to enter into its solitary stillness. Water gently lapping onto the shore in a mesmerizing rhythm calms the clatter that has overtaken my mind. Air breathed deep into my lungs reminds me of the One who gives me life and I’m thankful for every minute of each new day. The Creator of all things, great and small, shows off the agility of winged creatures as they make a deep dive into the water looking for their next meal. In the distance, dolphin fins can be seen cresting briefly as they swiftly move from place to place. The sun shimmers on the water as white, puffy cotton clouds hover high in the sky. I’m thankful for eyes that witness this glorious display of nature’s splendor. Refreshed by the deliciousness of such an encounter, I hit the trail and finish my stroll.

     As I approach my favorite coffee shop, the bold fragrance of freshly brewed coffee immediately summons me into its well worn space. Wooden floors creak as patrons enter to order their favorite drink. Oh, the stories these floors could tell about the people who come in to find a respite from the chaos. I spy an empty table and head on over to claim it as my own while I wait for my favorite non-fat latte with one stevia. Even in the midst of humming conversation, I sit alone in the quiet of heart and soul.

     Vibrant artwork by local artists hangs on the aged brick walls of the shop. A gazebo-type pier  in bright shades of yellow and gold sits above vibrant aqua colored water. A sailboat with white sails drifts in the middle of a blue lake, surrounded by sandy beaches with a splash of red here and there. As I drink in each piece of artwork, I’m amazed at the depth of talent bestowed by the Giver of Gifts, and am grateful for the choosing to share their gift with others. My cup of coffee  almost empty and my need for a solitary space filled, I gather my things and head towards the door. Thankful for the short reprieve, I take one last inhale of the pleasant aroma of roasted coffee beans before exhaling praise for the empty table that awaited me and for the presence of the One who delights in me.

     Lastly, a day in my calendar void of appointments and meetings is truly an empty space that fills my heart. This will be a day of writing. A day in which I seek the employ of the Holy Spirit as my pen meets the paper and my fingers tap the keyboard. A painter paints. A potter makes pottery. A songwriter writes songs and a writer writes. Lousy first drafts, followed by numerous revisions as the Muse inspires, anytime, anywhere. It’s a filling up of sorts. A restlessness calmed only by sitting down and writing about everyday life experiences. Whether good or bad, all are meant to draw us closer to the One who orchestrates them.

     To my Sunset Sisters, may we all become more aware of the joy we find in empty spaces and make it a priority to sit in them, allowing us the opportunity to discover the beauty of living in this season of our lives.
What About You?
1. Where are the empty spaces that fill your heart?
2. Describe your best ‘filling up’ experience. What made it so special?
3. If you could choose between a quiet space or a place filled with people, which one would you choose?  Tell us why.
4. Whichever you chose,  how can you be intentional to enter into such a place?
5.   How do you benefit the most from spending time in empty spaces?


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