Stay the Course

  Hoofs pound in a rhythmic canter as Apple steadily approaches a five-foot high hurdle. With perfect timing, this majestic mare lifts up her two front legs while rippling flanks thrust the rest of her body into the air. The rider stands in the stirrups, propelling her forward as they gracefully take flight over the rails. A split second later, the mare’s two front feet thunder to the ground, the rider perfectly balanced in the saddle until all four of Apple’s legs are once again firmly planted beneath her.

     It’s a stunning sight. A synergy of beauty, skill, and athleticism. Working as one, the horse and rider masterfully navigate their way around the course, aiming for speed and accuracy.  The magnificent display of strength, courage and fierce determination in this enchanting world catches one’s breath every time.

     Horse and rider develop an indelible bond, crucial to jump with precision, power, and elegance. Apple and her rider practice over and over, training their ears and bodies to pick up the slightest sounds and nuances that relay prompts and directions. The horse depends upon the rider to approach each hurdle with the right amount of speed and distance required to execute the jump properly, while the rider depends upon the horse to obey his/her commands. Most importantly, they learn how to trust one another as they take on one difficult jump after another.

     Intricately designed by a master course designer, a variety of beautiful but challenging obstacles are laid out in a particular order, asking questions only the horse can answer. The hurdles test the agility and skill of both horse and rider. To finish the course, all of the fences must be jumped. There are no shortcuts to the final rail. Any deviation from the flow of the course results in an immediate elimination.
     As followers of Jesus, we too, have a life course specifically designed for us by a Master Course Designer. Like the equestrian courses, our course includes hurdles and obstacles that are designed to ask us questions. Do you trust Me? What lessons are to be learned as you work your way through this obstacle? Where might you see Me working in this challenging situation?      

     When life unfolds and challenges pile up, it can become increasingly difficult to stay on course. The fences are high and hard. Instead of facing them head on, we often try to avoid jumping them altogether. We tend to look for shortcuts that will get us to the end more quickly. We easily get distracted and lose focus. Before we know it, we’re wandering around aimlessly, leading unproductive and unfruitful lives. Staying on our life course is critical for fulfilling our purposes and living out our callings.   

     Most recently, my husband and I decided we wanted to move to another state to be closer to friends and family. Housing is always a challenge for us as I use a wheelchair for mobility. We found ourselves driving countless miles looking for a level lot and a single story home. For eight months, one possibility after another fell through. Confused and disorientated, we finally began to wonder whether this move was part of the course God has laid out for us.

      As the horse and rider spend time developing a deep trust in one another, we too, have to spend time with God, learning that we can trust Him in everyday life. The more we know of His loving character as Healer, Provider, and Protector, the harder we learn to hold onto Him. We train our ears to hear and discern His holy whispers as He gently leads us around the course He’s designed for us.

     God gives us the strength and desire to keep pursuing His path. My husband and I found ourselves having to realign our hearts with God and trust His plans and purposes. Unlike an equestrian Grand Prix, veering off-course does not mean an automatic elimination. Instead, God’s fingerprints of grace tenderly redirects us back on track.  

     We became so focused on creating the future we wanted for ourselves, we were missing out on clearing the jumps God has placed in front of us today. God still has Kingdom work for us to do in our current location. We are volunteer child advocates for children who are placed in the state dependency system. We’re deeply connected to our church and make it a practice to be neighborly to those in our neighborhood. A move might still be in our future, but it appears to be a few more jumps away.

         Life is a beautiful journey filled with a variety of experiences that fill us with peace and purpose. Stay the course. Trust the Designer. Clear the fences in front of you. A life lived in sync with Jesus displays the same power and elegance of an equestrian jump. At the end of the course a prize awaits all who finish. And it’s far better than a blue ribbon and a victory gallup around the arena.

What About You?
1. Take a moment to reflect on your life’s course and where you sense God is leading you in this season. Jot down your thoughts on a piece of paper or in a journal.

2. Identify the hurdles or obstacles in your present reality. What are they?

3. Which aspect of God’s character do find empowering to help you stay the course?

4. Compare the difference between being in sync with God and when you’re not as you work your way around your course. What feelings or emotions come to mind in each scenario?

5. Write a prayer asking God to help you stay on the course He’s specifically designed just for you. I promise you, this is a prayer He will answer!


Empty Spaces


One Child at a Time